C. Maury Devine

Pamela S. Johnson

Christy Richardson White
From the start, our school has blossomed thanks to the support of donors who know the power of a great education and who believe in the potential of our girls. The success of Washington School for Girls would be impossible without your generosity.
Campaign Committee
C. Maury Devine, Co-chair
Pamela Johnson, Co-chair
Christy Richardson White, Co-chair
Patricia Malloy
Maureen McCarty
Bridget Morris
Diane Roskamp
Beth Reaves, Ex Officio
Lina Permut, Ex Officio
Honor Roll of Donors
As of September 1, 2024
Dream Builders
($500,000 +)
A. James and Alice B. Clark Foundation
C. Maury Devine
The Late and Mrs. Joseph F. Horning, Jr.
John Edward Fowler Memorial Foundation
Moran Family Foundation
Genevieve Murphy
Foundation Layers
($100,000 +)
Len and Joy Baxt
Kyrsten and David Bourdon
Ellen and Thomas Dwyer
Ann and Brand Fowler
Lynda and Fran Horvath
Patricia and Geoff Malloy
Catherine Brady McClave
James McClave
Anne Welsh McNulty
Bridget and Michael Morris
Melanie Franco Nussdorf
Philip L. Graham Fund
Edward and Kathleen Quinn
Linda Rosecan
Diane and Robert Roskamp
Pat and Craig Ruppert
Nicole and Paul Sheehy
Vince and Mimi Sheehy
Anne and Dennis Sullivan
Brian and Beth Tierney
The Estate of Eleanor Weisbrod
($50,000 +)
John and Kathleen Byrnes
Diann and David Frantz
Prue Larocca
Sylvia and Paul Lawler
Ann Logan and Gregory Lawler
Stephanie and Tracy Perry
Betsy Sheehy
Anne and Dennis Sullivan
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
W. O'Neil Foundation
($10,000 +)
Anthony and Anna Carozza Foundation
Sharon and Bob Buchanan
Dibbie Conahan and Jim Oldham
Ray Dalio
Victor and Karen DeSantis Charitable Fund
Ms. Barbara S. Fennell and Mr. Steve Fennell
Sean and Kimberly Glynn
Julie and Bill Howard
Pat Jayne
Pamela and Bruce Johnson
Holly Kimmit
Maureen and Patrick McCarty
Roskamp Foundation
Tom and Bonnie Sneeringer
Truist Foundation
($5,000 +)
Laurene Gallo and David Bowman
Daniel and Amy Hardwick
Eileen Mayer
Skip McMahon
Kimberly and Tarrus Richardson
Susan Rockwell and Austin Johntra