We will Strengthen our financial foundation to ensure longevity

We are committed to offering our program to students and families who may not otherwise have access to an independent Catholic all-girls school. To keep that promise, we must continually engage our community of funding partners in the work that we do and develop partnerships that will help us grow and adapt in the future.  

Build long-term reserves for the future

WSG's strategic reserves have been instrumental in helping the school both navigate shifting economic landscapes and confidently invest in program growth. As the school moves into its brand-new permanent home at THEARC, healthy reserves will be more important than ever to ensure that we can enjoy the many opportunities our facility will offer. 

Growing Capacity for increased fundraising

Our new campus will bring increased annual operating costs and the potential to expand enrollment up to 150 students. We will ensure that our program has the capacity to sustain and deepen our relationships with existing funding partners and discover new partners who share our vision for equitable education in Washington, D.C. By investing in resources and right-sizing our personnel, WSG will be able to grow fundraising to support the strategic initiatives of the organization and better serve our students.

Meeting students and families where they are

We will increase our visibility within the communities where our students, families, and staff live to ensure we find people who will best benefit from and contribute to our school community.