In the Spirit of Courageous Women, WSG graduate participates in LearnServe International
WSG is so proud of Class of 2015 graduate Andrenae B., who participated in LearnServe International’s 3-week service trip to Paraguay in July. LearnServe offers service trips to over 100 students across the DC Metropolitan Area each year. They strive to bring students together- particularly those who may not have otherwise had the opportunity to collaborate with one another- to do their part in making the world a better place. LearnServe believes “in the power of young people to affect social change, and in the power of social change work to shape young leaders.”

Photo courtesy of LearnServe International
Throughout her trip, Andrenae was challenged to learn first-hand what life and social change are like in Paraguay. In collaboration with the members of the communities they are visiting, the students work on projects involving health, job skills training, environmental education, and art. As part of the program, the participating students write about their experiences for the LearnServe blog. Andrenae shared, “gradually, I have pushed myself to be strong, to step out of my comfort zone, and to keep moving forward”.
To read more from Andrenae about her experience, see Staying Strong and Making Memories (July 10th) and Andrenae’s Words of Wisdom (July 13th).