The All-IN Community Partners program is a sponsorship program offered to our organizational partners within the community, including corporations, businesses, community organizations, church groups, schools, and associations. By going All-IN for WSG, our community partners can support our mission and achieve their social responsibility goals while also receiving recognition opportunities throughout the year.

Website Home page logo with link Partners page logo with link Partners page logo with link Partners page logo Partners page name
E-Newsletter Logo with link in all editions Logo with link in all editions Logo with link in 7 editions Logo with link in 5 editions Logo with link in 3 editions
Social Media Personalized thank you video posted 4x Personalized thank you video posted 2x Personalized thank you video posted 1x Personalized thank you graphic posted 1x Personalized thank you graphic posted 1x
Annual Report Back cover Name, logo inside Name, logo inside Logo inside Name inside
Events Recognized by name at at least one in-person community engagement event

To learn more about the All-IN program, contact Lina Permut, Chief Development Officer.

Our All-In Partners

The All IN Community Partners program is designed for companies, organizations and schools that wish to fulfill their philanthropic goals while supporting deserving young women in their educational and leadership pursuits.

Hoops 2023 (1)
8323609_MorganStanley+PrivateWealthManagement-print m5_K_Outline


Coach Katie

HITT Contracting

Go Green Realty

Schulz and Williams
