Celebrating the 175th Anniversary of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus
On October 17th 2021 Dr. Reaves travelled to Philadelphia to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. The year-long celebration ended with a Liturgy at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul and a luncheon reception.
October 15, 1846 is formally recognized as the date of the founding of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus by Cornlia Connelly at the request of Pope Gregory XVI. For 175 years, the Society’s members have lived out Cornelia’s vision to “meet the wants of the age.”
Cornelia Connelly, a woman ahead of her time, promoted an approach to education based on trust and reverence for every human being. Her schools encourage children to develop to their full potential, based on her firm belief that all fields of study contribute to the development of that potential.
“Trust the children and never let your confidence in them be shaken. Confidence begets confidence.” Cornelia Connelly