“Harlem: The Remix” Showcases Student Learning and Creativity
In celebration of Black History Month, students presented a showcase of performances that demonstrated their understanding of the Harlem Renaissance. Students were asked to not only learn about the significant artistic, cultural, and political impact of the era that spanned the 1920s and 1930s, but were also challenged to interpret what the Harlem Renaissance might look like if it took place today. The result was a vibrant presentation that highlighted both history and current-day styles of music, dance, and entertainment.
Throughout the preparations for the show, students discovered the many ways that current trends, aesthetics, and arts are rooted in traditions from the past, and how the arts reflect life at time that they are created in. In addition to sharing readings and songs from notable artists from the Harlem Renaissance such as Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, and Billie Holiday, students also composed their own original poems, essays, and choreography inspired by the era.
Harlem: The Remix was hosted by 8th grader Angela, who guided the audience through the show by providing additional context and information, introducing the acts, and encouraging the audience to support each act enthusiastically. All students (from both campuses) participated in developing and performing at least one act.

Clips from Harlem: The Remix can be viewed here.