Morning Prayers
Posted by Dr. Beth Reaves
No. 3 Morning Prayers
“Good morning God my creator, Thank you for today…”
These are the words that begin each day at WSG. An expression of gratitude for God’s blessings that bring us together for another day of learning, growing, and aspiring to be the best versions of ourselves. Morning prayer, led by our students and attended by students, faculty, and staff, is one of WSG’s most unifying and uplifting traditions and my favorite way to start my mornings.
The simple act of coming together, setting aside our worldly concerns, and opening our hearts and minds to God, has a powerful impact on all who attend. It is a time of reflection on the challenges of the day ahead and the influence of God in our daily lives. When I look around the room, I see serenity and grace in the faces of our students and staff, and I feel the support and care of our community as we pray for each other, all those whom we love, and those who need our prayers the most. Morning prayer is the island of peace in the ocean of activity and stress that sometimes consumes our lives. It provides a daily nourishing of my soul.
I strongly believe that the heart of a spiritual community is the ability to lift up each of its members, providing the strength and support needed to realize our potential. Our community prayers, memorized by heart and recited in unity, offer our students a shared experience that they will take with them long after they have left WSG. I hope that the words of our prayers empower them when they feel weakest and give them a spiritual boost and sense community when they feel farthest from home.